FSrealWX - Weather AddOn for Flightsimulators FS2004, FSX, P3D and Xplane


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Meter to old

9 years 9 months ago #679 by 737driver
Meter to old was created by 737driver
The weather that I get on the sim does not reflect the real weather as it is at the moment, in fact no where near. can be overcast and raining but WX has it as clear skys some high cloud ect. I noticed that there is a note above airport information that says meter is to old. Is this the problem and if it is how do I update it as the message shows even after weather update is done. WXlite was awesome and was very accurate as to the real world actual weather, this one not so much, so must be I think problem my end. Any help would be most gratefully received thaks
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