FSrealWX - Weather AddOn for Flightsimulators FS2004, FSX, P3D and Xplane


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This application has crashed because of the plugin: XPrealWXv3/64/win.xpl

5 years 10 months ago - 5 years 10 months ago #1812 by Restavr
X-plane constantly closes with an error, there may be a conflict with other plugins, or some other reasons.I hope to resolve this problem in the near future.

X-plane log.txt:
PythonInterfaceVersionNumber = 2.73.06
Loaded: D:\SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/PythonInterface/64/win.xpl (sandybarbour.projects.pythoninterface)

[XPrealWXv3] - Init PlugIn
[XPrealWXv3] - Server started
--=={This application has crashed because of the plugin: XPrealWXv3/64/win.xpl}==--



optionpoint=@Point(300 600)
infopoint=@Point(30 630)

If the value is xprealwx.ini:


optionpoint=@Point(300 600)
infopoint=@Point(30 630)

Download X-plane runs normally and the plugin runs normally.
Last edit: 5 years 10 months ago by Restavr. Reason: If the value is xprealwx.ini:
The following user(s) said Thank You: SilloAdmin
5 years 10 months ago #1813 by Restavr
Another crash of x-plane... and it seems again because of the plugin. Probably have to wait for a more stable version.
[XPrealWXv3] (ServerThread) - SocketID: 9672 Data in Command: WRIT MsgId: 0013
(ServerThread) - SocketID: 9672 Send Data Command:7 MessageId: 13 Message: OK
[XPrealWXv3] (ServerThread) - SocketID: 9672 Data in Command: REQUEST MsgId: 0002
(ServerThread) - SocketID: 9672 Send Data Command:7 MessageId: 2 Message: Height=6606:Alt=8495:TAS=172:GS=169:HDG=316.9:VS=0:WindAcDir=290.00:WindAcSpeed=3.83:MagVar=33.0:Vis=14.48:Lat=72.981773:Lon=-82.648003:IsOnGround=0:IsEngineOff=1:IsLandingLightOn=1:IsDoorOpen=0:IsParkingBrakeSet=0:Name=C310 L2IYR:Reg=L2IYR:Airline=unknown:Type=unknown:FuelFlow=0.000000:EmptyWeight=3659.673584:MaxCrossWeight=5202.909668
--=={This application has crashed!}==--
The following user(s) said Thank You: SilloAdmin
5 years 10 months ago #1814 by SilloAdmin
Thanks for the report.
Please download, install and test xprealwxv3 again.

If you find an error, then please give me exactly about your system. Which sim (FSX / P3D / Xplane). Which connection (FSUIPC / SimConnect / FSrealWX-Bridge). Which OS.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Restavr
5 years 10 months ago #1832 by Restavr
Again autoloading plugin led to the collapse of the x-plane. I will start it still manually.
PythonInterfaceVersionNumber = 2.73.06
Loaded: D:\SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/PythonInterface/64/win.xpl (sandybarbour.projects.pythoninterface).

[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: Starting X-Plane SASL plugin v3.4.2+3b8dca9 [Commercial Edition]
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: SkunkCrafts Updater | Global | Start Full
Loaded: D:\SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/SkunkCraftsUpdater/64/win.xpl (1-sim SkunkCrafts Updater).

[XPrealWXv3] - Init PlugIn
[XPrealWXv3] - Server started
--=={This application has crashed because of the plugin: XPrealWXv3/64/win.xpl}==--
But the work of the plug-in in in the simulator has become more stable, 1 hour flight was no problem.
P.S. Enjoy your stay.
The following user(s) said Thank You: SilloAdmin
5 years 9 months ago #1844 by Restavr
The problem with stopping the x-plane loading at the start of the plugin is solved, it loads normally with the "auto start"checkbox installed. It is a pity that the plug-in is not active on the initial loading screen, at the time of selecting the aircraft and the airport, then the initial state of the engine temperature would meet the weather. But it is not critical, if you can not do otherwise.
The following user(s) said Thank You: SilloAdmin
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