I started at TJSJ - +TSTRM, heavy rain, overcast. Flew less than 100 miles with several cloud layers, many types, all working perfectly. Ended flight. Selected another aircraft. Same METAR but now I get everything except rain. Continued with flight. Once above the overcast, I noticed very few clouds in vicinity. Started over. Only got overcast.
Selected KJAX 242350Z 29025G33KT 1 1/2SM +TSRA SCT030CB BKN047 BKN085 OVC150 . Weather is clear, visibility 50 miles.
At both airports I tried download weather, set wx, disconnect FSrealWx, cycle FSrealWX, cycle both FSrealWx and FS9 - everything except changing any settings in either.
Now sat on rwy at KJAX for more than 30 min to let FSrealWx cycle through download/update automatically twice. Same/similar METAR showing but new weather is wind 311, visibility 30 miles.
When FSrealWX works, I LOVE it! When this happens, I'm very disappointed.