FSrealWX - Weather AddOn for Flightsimulators FS2004, FSX, P3D and Xplane


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Speed going down and speed indicater frozen at 0

11 years 1 month ago - 11 years 1 month ago #8 by Jgveill

I expérience two problems but not at the same time. The first one I saw was speed indicater frozen to 0. I tried many things to get it back like changing planes, etc ... but nothing works, I have to close FSX and restart. I never had this problem before using FSrealWX V2. I tried to find out what brings this problem but I could'nt find anything.

The other problem I have is that after few seconds, when I set all WX, the airplane speed goes down very rapidly, Yesterday I did not have discovered the fix and I crashed. After few trials, today, I found that Clear WX brings the speed back. I also noticed that when Setting All WX, when FSrealWX downloads weather to FSX, speed rapidly swithchs from 155 to 177, back and forth few times before staying to 177. This may not be a problem I don'tknow. When I do Set All WX again, after few seconds speed goes down again.

I have FSX acceleration, Windows 7 64 and everything is up to date. I never experienced somothing similar before using FSrealWX. I include all today's log files hoping that you will be able to find out what 's wrong. I was flying fron Quebec City (CYQB) to Montreal (CYUL) or Baie Comeau (CYBC) to Mont-Joli (CYYY). Other than that, your weather engine is really nice nothing to compare with the FSX one.

Thanks in advance.

J Guy
Last edit: 11 years 1 month ago by Jgveill. Reason: typo
The following user(s) said Thank You: SilloAdmin
11 years 1 month ago #10 by SilloAdmin
if speed indicator frozen to 0 then you must switch on pitot heat.
For the other problems I will look for a solution.

Thx for report

If you find an error, then please give me exactly about your system. Which sim (FSX / P3D / Xplane). Which connection (FSUIPC / SimConnect / FSrealWX-Bridge). Which OS.
11 years 1 month ago #12 by Jgveill
Thanks for this fast answer,

I answered few hours ago but as my answer is not shown, here's another trial. Erase this one if ever you review answers ...

So, I tried "pitot heat" and frozen speed indicator is solved. With FSX weather engine, this doesn't matter .... So I became lazy and didn't care about the pitot heat. With your engine it does. So I suspect that FSX high altitude temperature is just not correct,

I now think that the second problem is slso related to the pitot heat as I was using auto pilot. Auto pilot with bad speed is not a good idea ... So i retried this flight today and I had no problem with the pitot heat on. Have a look at my logs just in case there's something wring but don't search too much.

Thanks for this wonderfull weather engine

J Guy
The following user(s) said Thank You: SilloAdmin
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